There are quite a lot of manufacturers who make eames chair in China and other countries, but the quality obviously varies from inferior quality replica and high quality eames chair knoll-off.
More and more people are aware of beauty showed by these mid-century modern classic design furniture. But the original chairs are way too high for most ordinary people to afford. They keep an eye on the market of reproduction chairs, which is quite cheap and quality is not bad.
But how we should find the most high quality replica eames lounge chair??? This is a common question for lots of people who want to know.
Delson has produced eames lounge chair for over 10 years, which has always been one of the most popular designer chairs we sold. We do well in reproducing those designer classic furniture for long. Comparing other factories, we dedicated to finest quality like original to bring the same feelings to customers. We put an effort to study original chairs and completely focus all the tiny details.
Now you will not regret to buy the replica eames lounge chair, because you can enjoy it matching with original beauty and fun.
Those who say eames lounge chair knockoff is bad can change their opinions now. You feel depressed because you have not found us and the finest quality chairs...
Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman
Item No.: DS302
Leather upholstery choice: Italian 100% top grain leather, premium aniline leather and antiqued waxy leather.
- Durable high density sponge.
- 7-layer plywood + wood veneer in natural skin, palisander skin and walnut skin.
- The base can be chromed aluminium base or black aluminium base. Because original manufacturers are Vitra and Herman Miller, who have different bases.
Please see below our real product photos taken by Delson....
