Mid-Century Modern Living Room -Hans Wegner Papa Bear Chair & Mama Bear Chair
Replica Hans Wegner Papa Bear Chair (DS354) is our high quality reproduction as per original.
Hans Wegner's lovely Papa Bear chair (DS354) and Mama Bear lounge chair (DS353) seem to have been designed for modern art decor. The Mid-Century iconic design chairs are perfect for modern Living Room. It eusures the great comfort.
In the classic children's fairy tale The Three Bears, Papa Bear's chair is too hard for Goldilocks, who prefers Baby Bear's seat. In real life, the Papa Bear chair created by Danish furniture designer Hans Wegner is just right.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the chair's paw-like armrests are the source of its unusual name.Wegner’s Papa Bear chair, like his Bull Chair and his Peacock Chair, is intended to invoke the animal kingdom. The name, Papa Bear chair, is believed to have sprung from the mouth of a critic who observed that the chair’s arms resemble “great paws, embracing you from behind”.The chair is also known as a Teddy Bear chair.
Wegner's most famous chairs are the "Peacock", the "Y-chair", and "The Chair" which was used by Kennedy and Nixon in their famous CBS TV debate of 1960.
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